Vaska Baklarova
General Manager Viomoda Bulgaria
Vaska Baklarova is the creative founder, manager and general manager of Viomoda Bulgaria. It is an innovative German-Austrian investment for the production of high-tech sportswear. As the main idea generator and creator of a company started from scratch, within just 5 years, she and her team built 3 production bases, a team of 270 employees, annually create unique models with high international innovation awards.
At the beginning of 2019 established the Agency for Corporate Development after analyzing that the labor market is becoming increasingly limited by well-trained, creative and motivated personnel. On the other hand, students often do not get a chance for development because they do not have accumulated experience, but they have a great motivation to develop and find their place in the working society. The project was launched with the aim of collecting a database of companies in the territory of the city of Plovdiv that offer paid internships and working groups of students, according to their interests for development in large enterprises.
He sincerely believes in this cause, which he will develop in the coming years. Bulgaria's economy must move forward, showing innovative thinking and high quality of the products created. The main tool for this is the fresh creative youth of the new generation, who must successfully integrate into the business environment.