Ozana Giusca

Ozana Giusca

Founder and CEO of Tooliers


Ozana is official Partner Success Resources and Exclusive Representative of Tony Robbins in Romania. She is also the only women speaker at Robert Kiyosaki event. Author of two Amazon bestsellers.

Known in business circles as the Smart Profits Accelerator, Ozana has recently earned a new title from her clients: the Catalyst for Transformation. Her current mission is to awaken individuals to perceive life from a higher perspective, where every challenge can be navigated with ease, and anyone can manifest miracles.

In 2003, Ozana embarked on a significant journey, leaving her career in investment banking in the City of London to establish her consulting company. This venture paved the way for her to become one of the most esteemed business mentors and consultants in Romania. While focusing on accelerating both her and her clients' profits, Ozana engaged with over 60,000 coaches and entrepreneurs from across the globe. This period brought her the material success and professional recognition she aspired to, but it also marked a personal loss: the end of her 12-year relationship. The profound pain of the loss of her partner compelled Ozana to embark on a search for transformation.

Through her own transformation, Ozana now lives a life she loves and never thought possible, alongside her child and her new partner. This transformation inspired her to establish the BeYou.BeFree movement (https://beyoubefree.club), featuring numerous programs designed to awaken individuals to a life of beauty and fulfillment, embracing true freedom. Those who commit to their personal evolution within this movement consistently experience the joy of living.

In addition to her impactful work via private sessions and programs, Ozana is the author of two Amazon bestsellers: "Business Unlimited" (https://www.ozanagiusca.com/business-unlimited) and "The Illusion of Freedom and the Invisible Power" (https://beyoubefree.club/iluzia-libertatii-si-puterea-invizibila).

Ozana's Business Advisory page: www.ozanagiusca.com.


The NEW approach for Business Success. (10:30 - 10:50)